
Acentor alpino

¿Qué aves podemos ver en las montañas valencianas en invierno?

Las cumbres de las montañas valencianas son un territorio espectacular para disfrutar del #birdwatching en la temporada invernal.

EL Benicadell

Imagen del cartel del documental Patches

La cerceta pardilla, protagonista de un interesante y premiado documental

¡Estamos de enhorabuena!. 

Tractor fangueando en los arrozales. Virgilio Beltrán

Tiempo de fanguear en la Albufera

Es tiempo de fanguear en la Albufera, momento de disfrutar del espectáculo de las aves

Cientos de gaviotas reidoras, garcillas bueyeras, garcetas comunes y moritos, aprovechan la estela que dejan las enormes ruedas en forma de jaula de los tractores, tratando de encontrar su alimento en el barro removido (fangueig).

Birding in the Alto turia

Birding en el Alto Turia

The interior of the province of Valencia holds a surprise for birders and nature lovers. A natural space declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO that includes a wide variety of habitats and landscapes waiting to be discovered.

Logo asociación guías birding Comunitat Valenciana

Association of birding guides of the Region of Valencia

The Association of Birding Guides of the Region of Valencia is a non-profit association, made up of Nature Tourism professionals specialising in Ornithological Tourism (Birdwatching or Birding).


An overlook birding paradise

Valencia Region has been unnoticed as a birding destination for many years. Nowadays is becoming the popular new birding and wildlife destination in Western Europe, thanks to the promotion of this hidden
corner of Spain.

Prat de Cabanes Torreblanca

Enjoying birds in the Region of Valencia

It's easy to pursue this exciting hobby in the Region of Valencia! The huge diversity of birdlife (more than 300 species can be spotted here) is combined with a wealth of natural resources, a wide variety of ecosystems and habitats where you can enjoy being with birds.